Thank you for attending our IAPT and ehealth summit. Here are the presentations free to download:
Digital technology and mental health by Dr Jennifer Martin, MindTech
Is it time for ehealth in IAPT? by Chris Eldridge, Mayden
Online therapy: Integrating seamless care pathways in IAPT services by Fennie Wiepkema, Minddistrict
Buddy: Co-producing therapeutic tools for a digital world by Kat Cormack, Buddy Enterprises Ltd
Delivering an outcomes focused cCBT service: Key learnings by Collette Bird, SilverCloud Health
ieCBT: Using technology to enhance quality of care by Sarah Bateup, Ieso Digital Health
Prism: The online therapy referral hub by Chris Eldridge, Mayden
How do you manage clinical risk? by Chris Buckingham, Aston University
IAPT and ehealth: Commissioner perspectives by Alison Sturgess-Durden, Mayden